
The unique products
in the world

Let yourself be carried away on this new journey


Our organic

A trip to our beautiful region


Nature & Culture

Bees show us in many ways: unity is strength


Your unique

It gives what man and bee created together in harmony.

  • carrello vuoto

Mountain wildfower pollen

A bouquet of colors and scents, as many as the flowers that spawned it

Royal Jelly

An extraordinary food, which is enough to change the destiny of an egg in the Beehive: from Worker Bee... to Queen

Propolis mother tincture

An ally without half measures: protects Plants, Bees and Man

Giorgino's bombetta

Supplements that bring all the powers of Nature together are born from Beehive Products

Much more
than medicine

The harvest of a great variety of biologically active principles from numerous botanical species is carried out through the tireless and complex foraging of bees. We want to disclose the incredible nutraceutical and medicinal value of Beehive products because, just as they make the life of the Beehive possible, they contribute to safeguarding Man.

Health and wellness

Apitherapy is a centuries-old
therapeutics practice

Beehive products show such a multiplicity of organic effects that it is almost a waste to limit them to restricted medical applications: which is why we work to educate and inform our consumers.

The oldest doctors in the history of Humanity have handed down knowledge about the use of Beehive Products throughout the world; many of their potentials was confirmed by Modern Science through in vitro and in vivo analysis, but the exploration continues.


Our first goal is to safeguard the Italian bee (Apis mellifera ligustica). We have been using a certified organic farming system since 2016, which allows bees a life without synthetic chemicals and without productive stress thereby limiting their movements to a minimum.


The art of being a Beekeeper is not just a business address for us but a moral duty. It is our duty to offer genuinely authentic products: real honey, not syrup; natural pollen, not GMO; beneficial products, not carriers of pesticides and other contaminants. Beehive Products are a gift from Nature: let's make sure their value is preserved.

The importance of
the Western honey bee
(Apis mellifera)

We also select mountain pasture land between 790 and 1200 meters for our bees: not anthropized, uncontaminated and rich in biodiversity ... after all, a healthy and ideal environment for bees also means the guarantee of a safe and effective product for the consumer.

According to FAO estimates, over 75% of the world's food crops depend on insect pollination for yield and quality: without bees we would no longer have coffee, apples, almonds, tomatoes, cocoa... and there would be much more hunger in the world. Biodiversity and with it the survival of the human race itself depend on these tireless workers.


A project realized with
the contribution of Fondazione Cariverona

#Beestrong is a project for empowering, socially and professionally integrating people with disabilities in the field of beekeeping. This project concerns the development by the "Castelvecchio Soc. cop. A r.l." cooperative of a new and strategic productive and economic sector that give nourishment and vitality

to the activities and social aims that it carries out in favouring the employment increase of underpriviledged people through the diversification of activities carried out. Specifically we want to enter the pharmaceutical, parapharmaceutical and herbalist market through the production of fresh beehive products whose properties are known".

What we have done

A small counter freezer of reduced dimensions (h 45 cm, w 20 cm, l 30 cm) that can hold 12 pcs per type of fresh product (total 48 pcs on 4 shelves) was created. The refrigerator will then be given on loan for use to pharmacies, parapharmacies and herbalist shops to be installed directly on the counters enabling a preferential showcase of these products.
The project therefore pursues 3 specific purposes interconnected and dependent on one other:

· development/innovation
· socio-occupational empowerment/ increase
· promotion of the individual's well-being and health

The project is aimed at different categories and levels of beneficiaries:

· People with disabilities: disabled people currently employed by the cooperative and newly hired who will have the opportunity to acquire new skills, expand their employment opportunities as well as social and work integration through this project.
· High school students will have the opportunity to get to know the world of beekeeping and agriculture in general for possible future job opportunities. They will also get to know the social world and the role of cooperation. They will work alongside disabled workers and this will trigger natural and positive relationships.
· Consumers: All those who purchase and consume beehive products will benefit in health and psycho-physical level thanks to the high nutritional, conservative and curative qualities described above.

The importance of getting to know bees 

Read the article on nonsoloambiente.it

Honey in earthquake zones

Read the article on cronachemaceratesi.it

Parafarmacia Naturvitae

In un piccolo comune della provincia di Latina, la Dott.ssa Angela accoglie tutta la gamma BeeStrong

The Truman Bee Show

Read the article on gamberorosso.it

Registered office

Giorgio Poeta s.r.l.

via Bruno Buozzi 56B

60044 Fabriano AN

P.Iva e CF 02726530427

Laboratory/sales outlet

Via Santa Croce 65

60044 Fabriano AN

Fabriano East exit

Social media

BANDO: EVENTI SISMICI POR MARCHE FESR 2014/2020 – ASSE 8 – OS 21 - AZIONE 21.1 “Azioni per il riorientamento e la diversificazione dei mercati” – INTERVENTO 21.1.1 “Sostegno agli investimenti produttivi al fine del rilancio della crescita economica e della competitività” Bando 2022.

DOMANDA N.  ID n. 58869, approvata con Decreto n. 86/ICIN del 04/04/2023

TITOLO DEL PROGETTO: “Sviluppo commerciale in Medio Oriente, Paesi del Golfo e Stati Uniti”


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